A high calling that requires a mustard seed of faith.
Overcoming the obstacles.
Malik K Murray is an all-rounded man. He is a humble man of faith, an acute businessman, motivational and inspirational, wise, humorous, and witty, calming spirited coach.
In Malik’s life, fatherhood is by far the biggest success, Malik passionately shares. He has had a big influence among the millennials who are stepping into fatherhood. Imparting wisdom and gems to help them navigate this lifelong journey. “Becoming a father takes courage and consistency to show up for your children, no matter how many flaws you have,” he tells them.
God gave us unique gifts in life. What we do with them is up to us.
Fatherhood is not a trend!
I’ve committed to showing up for my children no matter how flawed I am.
What does being a father mean to you?
Make time to protect your inner peace.
On a daily basis, Malik gets in nature and stays still without any distractions. “No social media, no internet, and absolutely no mobile device. That’s when you can hear your inner thoughts and voice without all of the other noise around you; life truly becomes fulfilling. Stillness has a way of changing your perspective on life and bringing out the best in people. It can be the difference between you becoming the best version of yourself professionally and personally or just remaining the same. It’s what most successful and effective leaders do regardless of their chosen industry.” He adds.
Meditating at sunrise gives me perspective in life.
Spending time outdoors
Meditate before sunrise
Occasionally, I am prone to burnout and have stressful days. Here’s my way to avoid and combating stress.